Craig started Suits and Signs Consulting in 2018 to provide professional advocacy and campaign planning services to tribes, local governments, and non-profits working to protect watersheds and advance the principles of social justice. Craig's career in advocacy began after earning an advanced science degree then realizing that data alone will not address the social and environmental crises many communities struggle with every day.
Craig's approach to social change was shaped in part by his year long training with GreenCorps, the most respected school in the country for environmental organizing. However, the most profound lessons he learned over the the past 20+ years of advocacy were taught by the tribal members, fishermen and farmers of the Klamath basin. The Klamath may be the most respected school of hard knocks in the country. The passion, dedication, and wisdom of the colleagues, friends, and mentors Craig was lucky enough to cultivate working on the Klamath inspires everything we do at Suits and Signs.
Suits and Signs Consulting can apply the lessons learned from a variety of Klamath issues including dam removal, traditional fire management, gold mining, and water policy to your issue with winning results. You can reach Craig at